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It's Not Safe to Jog or Run Outdoors Without Carrying Pepper Spray, A Cell Phone, & A Whistle

Pepper spray Click the pepper spray image to order Jogger's Pepper Spray for Less than $18.00

A homeless individual near Waitan in Shanghai.
My town is now over run with homeless people.

I would not usually write about topics unrelated to the theme of this blog, but the recent news about Chelsea King's rape and murder  has just devastated me and broken my heart. I live not too far from a small college town where every sunny day literally hundreds of youngsters, men and women are jogging, biking, walking and strolling through town on foot.

Although the local police do not like to publicize it, we have several unsolved murders here in town, and the young people here often seem oblivious to the dangers around them.

In recent years, hundreds, and then thousands of newly homeless people have arrived, camping everywhere, trolling the public parks, and sometimes sleeping indoors in the downtown local post office at night.

I had a very unpleasant run-in with a homeless man who was living in a state of rage over his circumstances one night when I showed up late to gather my mail from the post office. He was camped out indoors right under my box, and I literally had to step over him to open the box.

I saw that he was awake and felt moved to offer him some kind words.
That turned out to be a grave mistake.  As I was trying to tell him where the local homeless shelters were,  he came up off the floor at me with absolute rage and the clear intent to assault.

I backed out the post office door, [I have not moved that fast in years] went straight to my parked car, got in and locked the doors. I always keep pepper spray in my car, but at that moment I felt foolish that I did not have a small vial in my pocket.  

Since then I never leave the house without it.

So I am re-posting something here from one of my other blogs so that readers can order pepper spray for less than $15 or so, and I have here several choices. Feel free to re-post this info and also email it to your friends. Thanks!

Do You Carry Pepper Spray? You Should! Keep One in Your Purse, One in Your Car & One at Home.

Chelsea King may possibly have had a chance to fight for her life and flee to safety if she would have been carrying pepper spray. If you are planning to hike or jog outdoors, always carry pepper spray. The links below go straight to the ordering pages for some excellent pepper sprays - most are less than $15.00. It could save your life.

Jogger Defense Pepper Spray

Spitfire Brand Personal Defense Pepper Spray

Lipstick Pocket Sized Pepper Spray [4 Color Choices]

Set of  2 Police Magnum OC-17 Keychain Red Pepper Mace Spray

Deep Discounted: Sabre Red Pepper Spray in Pink Ladies' Case - 84% Discount
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