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I found the perfect gift for those who loved the 21st. Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver


This 21st Winter Olympics was an especailly thrilling experience for me to watch. I have never been more proud of our American athletes, and they all did us all proud. The Olympics is one of the rare moments of calm and quiet every four years when it seems that all nations set aside their many differences to enjoy cheering and supporting their athletes as they strive for excellence in winning a medal.Although there were some protests by fringe groups at this winter's games, for the most part it was a peaceful celebration of international goodwill and sporting competitive spirit. If you know someone you want to congratulate who participated in the Olympics in any way, whether on the front lines, or from behind the scenes, I found the gift which I think is really cool, beautiful, gaining in value over time, and is rendered in classic beauty. Here it is. You can click the coin to go direct to's ordering page to purchase online. A thing of beauty is a joy forever!  - CK Hunter, Coin Collector, Silver Bullion blogger

Exceptional Investment Value: A 1 Oz. .999 Pure Silver Canadian Maple Leaf Collectible Coin for Less than $21.00 usd

Exceptional Value: A 1 Oz. .999 Pure Silver Canadian Maple Leaf Coin
This is one of the most beautiful silver coins I have seen. Commemorate the 2010 Winter Olympics with a Canadian Maple Leaf. These also make excellent gifts, as they will increase in value over time.

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010.Re-posts are permitted leaving all content & links intact.


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"2010 Will Be A Break-out Year for Silver Prices" Greg McCoach

Those experienced in the study of movements in metals during times of national crisis are speaking and speaking loudly about the forecast for the price of silver in 2010. Investors who are seeking safe harbor for an increasingly flaky dollar are listening. I noted earlier today in another post that people are already using scrap silver and silver bullion to buy groceries in the Los Angeles basin, where some grocery stores have accomodated the new demand, asit is more profitable for them to accept silver than dollars. It's just common sense. This is an omen of things to come, sooner, rather than later in other parts of California and in other states as well.I'll be writing about the silver trends and price forecasts extensively on this blog and my others. Americans need this information and they need it quickly. Time is running out to find safe ways to protect one's assets and wealth.

 I wrote about the prospects for a sudden big uptick in the price of silver earlier today, and I would like to reiterate my deep gut feeling on it:

These types of sudden upward moves in silver usually happen after a gradual correction downward, and they tend to take the inexperienced metal investing public by surprise. Silver recently corrected back down to about $15 per ounce, from a high of around $18.50, but any new twist in the global economic meltdown i.e. for example, the recent collapse of Greece's economy, could set off one of those hard to predict "upward price escalating chain reactions" that could very suddenly elevate the price of silver bullion almost overnight.

Silver prices do not always follow gold in tandem. Folk wisdom says to buy and accumulate silver while the price is still depressed at under $20 per ounce. The $20 per ounce price range represents a "psychological threshold" and once silver passes that mark, all bets are off as to how high it could go. Buy silver bullion and hold it. That's the recommendation.

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010.Re-posts are permitted leaving all content & links intact.


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$100 per Oz Silver In 2010? Astounding Prediction by Bob Chapman

The entrance to an underground gold mine in Vi...
Encyclopedia of United States Silver & Gold Commemorative Coins 1892 to 1954

Is $100 per ounce silver 
possible in 2010?

These types of sudden upward moves in silver usually happen after a gradual correction downward, and they tend to take the inexperienced metal investing public by surprise. Silver recently corrected back down to about $15 per ounce, from a high of around $18.50, but any new twist in the global economic meltdown i.e. for example, the recent collapse of Greece's economy, could set off one of those hard to predict "upward price escalating chain reactions" that could very suddenly elevate the price of silver bullion almost overnight.

Silver prices do not always follow gold in tandem. Folk wisdom says to buy and accumulate silver while the price is still depressed at under $20 per ounce. The $20 per ounce price range represents a "psychological threshold" and once silver passes that mark, all bets are off as to how high it could go. Buy silver bullion and hold it. That's the recommendation.

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010.Re-posts are permitted leaving all content & links intact.


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Breaking News! Grocery Stores Begin to Accept Silver Coins!

Tags: undergound economy in silver, silver coins, the new money, american underground economy, buying trading gold silver, silver bullion, silver coins, scrap silver, the value of silver, investing in silver, trading in silver, using silver as money, dollar hyper-inflation

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010.Re-posts are permitted leaving all content & links intact.


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Underground Gold & Silver Economy Expanding Like Wildfire: A Hot Home Business Idea!

See today's spot silver and gold prices at


Silver Snowball - Learn About the Rising Price of Silver

Tags: learn to trade gold and silver at home, trading gold and silver, home based business ideas, trade silver bullion, how to buy silver coins, investing in silver coins, silver bullion, numismatics, silver trading,, price of silver, price of gold, old coins valued, antique coins, antique silver gold

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010.Re-posts are permitted leaving all content & links intact.


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Investing in Silver Bullion: Youtuber Gives A Brief How-to Guide

Tags: silver, gold,  paladium, platinum, silver bullion, investing in metals, investing in silver bullion, buying silver, silver coins, gold coins, numismatic coins, how to buy silver bullion, purity of silver coins, investments, metals,

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The 64 Trillion Dollar A..R.M.: Gold, Silver, Currencies, Fedral Debt Interest Payments, Hyper-Inflation Discussed By Youtuber


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Barack Obama's Crash-O-Rama: What Does A Trillion Dollars Look Like?


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We're 14.3 Trillion Dollars in Debt: What Does One Trillion Dollars Actually Look Like?


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South American Intellectual Sounds Warning Cry Against New World Order Globalism


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New Videos about Barack Obama's White House Winter 2009 Spring 2010

The Current Projected FED Deficit is 14.3 Trillion Dollars

Disturbing Political Correctness Issues from White House Regarding the Fort Hood Massacre

The following text is from the Youtube Channel "DemocratsTreason"

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" said Barack Hussein Obama (A.K.A. Barry Obama, A.K.A. Barry Soetoro, illegal alien) in his autobiography "Dreams Of My Father" (his father also a muslim). SO, WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU EXPECT? The Pogo quotation "We have met the enemy and he is us" takes on a new and sinister meaning.

WAKE UP AMERICA! Washington DC is dripping communism and corruption! There are no longer "checks and balances" between the branches of government -- they ALL are in conspiracy for the overthrow of America. Only the armed men and women of our military, which have sworn to defend America and uphold the U.S. Constitution, can depose the TRAITORS to our Republic before the next civil war.

Only "enemy of the state" Fox News (so branded by Obama's White House henchmen) REPORTS THE NEWS that all the Liberal co-conspirator, propaganda media refuse to broadcast! Charles Krauthammer and Steve Hayes boldly report the news for all Americans to see the TRAITORS and their TREASON in our midst:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: "[Obama] never uses the word [jihad], [because] 'war on terror is over' and all this stuff, but there's no escaping [it]. And it seems as if he didn't 'jump' to a conclusion but he's reached a conclusion or two -- that if somebody yells 'allahu akbar' as he shoots up a room, there 'might' be an element of jihadism involved."

STEVE HAYES: "The reason that people are talking about these so-called 'benign communications' is because that's what the White House and the intelligence community is putting out right now. They're the ones who are labeling. Nobody has seen what these things actually said. They're telling us that these are benign communications. ... There is no benign communication between somebody like this and an Al Qaeda leader."

EDUCATE YOURSELF! And ask yourself -- what you are prepared to do!
Nobarack08 Weblog (all about Obama's U.S. frauds)

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President Obama Discussed Tsunami Warnings for West Coast Americans, Hawaii, Samoan Isles

"Dr.Image via Wikipedia
 Obama made a brief appearance outside the White House, [wearing no tie] and talked about our long standing good relations with Chile, also stated the need to heed the tsunami warnings for those living in Hawaii, Samoa, and our west coast. I have to say here that he seemed listless, disinterested, perfunctory and unemotional about the whole thing. Just my observations. I have seen him like this before.

A tragedy strikes and he seems to go "cardboard cut-out" when he speaks about it. Is Barack Obama really engaged in this presidency, or is he just floating through the days?

Just a question I want to throw out there, as watching him speak I always get the feeling he just wishes he were somewhere else. I've had that feeling before watching him speak. He can be remarkably emotionally flat at times when emotional events have occurred.


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usa internet trivia - most searched sites February 2010

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Italy & the Google Video Case: Orwellian Italian Justice System Loses It’s Marbles

Graphic representation of the WWW.


In a disturbing verdict that does not bode well for internet freedom of speech, several Google executives have actually been convicted in Italy of violating the privacy of an individual who appeared in a video uploaded to Google Video in 2006. Google staff were unaware that the video showed students harassing a mentally challenged individual. Commenters to the video who had viewed it asked for it to be removed, and it was. That should have been the end of the tale of the tasteless video, but instead something else happened that defies common sense and threatens all internet content providers with a deluge of litigation over any and every unsavory item that might be uploaded to any website. Where would it all end? See re-post below.
Chase Hunter

Italy’s Google Convictions Set a Dangerous Precedent

Google Executives Convicted ItalyJR Raphael, PC World
Feb 24, 2010 3:06 pm
A few years ago, I got a hateful letter in the mail. Hey, it’s all good — these things happen. But now, I’m going to see if I can get my mailman jailed for delivering it.
Sound ludicrous? It should. And it’s the same principle driving an equally absurd ruling against Google in Italy this week. Three Google employees, in case you haven’t heard, are facing suspended jail sentences following a conviction by a Italian court. Their crime? Allowing an offensive video to be uploaded to the Google Video service. By a third-party user. Whom they didn’t know or have anything to do with. Needless to say, the repercussions of this ruling could be enormous — and they could affect us all.

Google and the Italian Video Case

The Google case dates back to 2006, when a group of Italian students uploaded a video of themselves bullying a mentally challenged schoolmate to the Google Video site. Italy’s Interior Ministry discovered the clip and filed a formal complaint to Google. The clip was then removed.

So what’s the problem? Prosecutors argued the Google execs violated Italian privacy laws simply by allowing the video to appear on the Google Video site, despite the fact that they never reviewed it or even knew it existed prior to its removal. The three employees were accused of criminal defamation and privacy invasion. They were found guilty of the latter. Some say the question comes down to timing: The clip, reports indicate, was online for about two months. According to Reuters, prosecutors claimed there were user-submitted comments on the page asking for the video’s removal. Once Italian officials filed a formal complaint, however, the clip was deleted within hours.

Google Conviction Questions

Here’s the truth: There’s no way Google could monitor every submission uploaded to its sites to see if anything offensive lurks within. And there’s no way it could watch all the comments on every page to see if people are using the forums to complain about questionable content, either.

If Google is held responsible for this incident, where will the implications end? Will Facebook be responsible for every hate-filled remark left on someone’s profile wall? Will AT&T be responsible for every flesh-filled sexting message sent by an underage teen on its network? Can I have my PCWorld editors jailed anytime someone bashes me in the comments section? (Not that that ever happens, of course.)
The very nature of an open and social Internet depends upon a provider’s ability to host content without fear of being prosecuted for a user’s submission. As Matt Sucherman, Google’s VP and deputy general counsel for Europe, puts it:
European Union law was drafted specifically to give hosting providers a safe harbor from liability so long as they remove illegal content once they are notified of its existence. The belief, rightly in our opinion, was that a notice and take down regime of this kind would help creativity flourish and support free speech while protecting personal privacy. “If that principle is swept aside and sites like Blogger, YouTube and indeed every social network and any community bulletin board are held responsible for vetting every single piece of content that is uploaded to them — every piece of text, every photo, every file, every video — then the Web as we know it will cease to exist.”
Sure, Google may have made some missteps on privacy-related issues in the past — more times than can be counted, according to some critics — but in this case, I’ve gotta contend that the G-gang is in the right. And I’m not alone. Several privacy advocates are already stepping up to speak out in Google’s defense — a position quite contrary to their typical stances in Google privacy stories.
Google is now appealing the Italian court’s verdict. For the sake of the free World Wide Web, let’s hope someone reasonable hears the case.
JR Raphael is a PCWorld contributing editor and the co-founder of eSarcasm. He’s on Facebook:
Tags: google, italy, italian courts, google italy video case, freedom of speech online, online privacy, internet censorship laws, internet freedom, the world wide web

Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010, American Patriot, Citizen Journalist, author of

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