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Musings upon: Oprah's New Religous Agenda, Eckhart Tolle, Evolution of Spiritual Consciousness, New Spiritual Awareness, Battle for the Soul and Wallet of Americans in Crisis, New Age Religion, Reptilian Activities, Obama's Hidden Satanic Phrase Revealed, Exposing the New World Order  Agenda, Looking at D.U.M.B. Deep Underground Military Bunkers for the Global Elite (hell on earth for the rest of us), Refusing RFID Chips, False Christ Maitreya is Busted, Barack Obama is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelations, 2012 Pole Shift Science Explained, Planet X Nibiru is Wormwood, 4th Dimensional Explorations, Surfing The Photon Belt, 9-11 False Flag Event Known of By Bush Crime Family, Future Predictions, 2012-2037 Prophecy, and Videos Which are Sublime, Sordid & Everything in Between: 
Alligator Farm's First Video Collection 7.2009

Wondering what billionaire USA media High Priestess Oprah Winfrey has been up to lately? Well, as if changing the course of human history by endorsing  false prophet Obama wasn't enough to sate her thirst for global power, she has now founded a church. Yep.  "The Church of the New Earth" is based on the books of Oprah's guru Eckhart Tolle, and it now boasts more than 5 million members.

Just what are these two alligators, the USA Christian media, and Oprah's New Earth Church, at odds over? Such furor, such uproar. My guess is that it may have something to do with the dwindling coffers of many USA Christian churches, whose congregations are now so weary of being hammered with doctrines of fear, hate, hell, guilt and sin that they are just looking for a breath of fresh air somewhere.  ( Can I get an amen? ) And it certainly has not helped the Christian churches in America that at least 55% of the population wants them to STOP focusing on whether or not gays can marry and just FOCUS ON THEIR OWN FAMILIES instead. Ted Haggert. Ahem.

Is Tolle a bonafied spiritual teacher or, like Obama, a mass "oratorial NLP hypnotist and mass mind trance inducer"? Don't they do some kind of mass trance as part of their church services? Just exactly what IS a mass trance?

Oh yeah, I get it. A mass trance is the same thing that Obama did to the nation when he would speak and the ladies would tear their blouses and weep, and young kids would beat their chests in affiliation, and hardened fossilized media talking heads like Glenn Beck would go gay for Obama and gush over the chill that ran up his leg when he heard him speak. Oh yeah. THAT''s what a mass trance is like. I get it.
Do you suppose if common folk knew that Barack Obama is a trained adept at something called "Neurolinguistic Programming" - a psychological control and mind control technique which emphasizes the use of "aggressive mental suggestions" delivered by specific voice intonations and inflections of speech, they might turn off that TV set when he starts up givin' one of his "listen to me now and do what I say" speeches from the Oval Office?  It wasn't just the intellectually vulnerable  ipod generation who voted by the gadzillions that got Obama elected - it was the complicit USA media and his 'mass hypnosis' oratorial skills using NLP.


Just exactly what is Oprah's new church actually selling?  Every church everywhere is always selling something, and it usually has to do with MONEY and CONTROL, i. e.  Church of Scientology, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Church Universal and Triumphant (Elizabeth Claire Prophet's former new age creation, which is now in tatters), Heaven's Gate, The Family, Jim Jones' People's Temple, et al.
Has the cult of Oprah finally tipped the bucket of America's tolerance for her various ambitions? Will she soon march her church members off into the  jungles of South Africa to build "the New Earth" -  leaving family members of cult-struck moms to sit weeping into TV dinners, wondering when mom will come home and cook some real food again?
Could this be why is American Christendom is so irate and up in arms over her new $church$? Is a mass $piritual awakening of stressed out Americans who are just disgusted with the Christian church, (although they have never stopped loving God, they just cannot stomach what the church sells along with it) who venture to read Eckhart Tolle's books actually such a  BAD thing?
It all depends on whether we will soon see Oprah's church members boarding planes bound for South Africa, or wearing pale apricot togas, ringing little bells in airport causeways, begging for more members and more money.  Stay tuned. I am watching this particular alligator with the keenest of interest.
You just can't make this stuff up folks. This video below came out about a year ago, right around the time that I figured out beyond all shadow of a doubt that Obama's political career had something to do with the rise of the Antichrist.  I don't usually like rap, but this is just darn eloquent.
Here is another one similar to it.
[youtube=] Just in case you did not know, CIA and NSA black ops in the US have now siphoned off more than 50 trillion dollars from usa taxpayers and CIA drug cartel operations since around 1970 and have used the wicked black cash to build an elaborate undergound tunnel and city system for the use of the Washington DC elites and military families when the 2012 pole shift hits the fan. The pentagon knows all about it. Oh by the way Russia is also building entire undergound cities for their elites, as is Norway. Norway is also storing seeds. Hmmm. Gosh. Seems like our governments forgot to tell us something. Hmm. Gosh. Wonder why all the major governments of the world now have telescopes pointed at the same spot in space. Wow. Even the Vatican has an observatory with it's scopes pointed at the same spot. Gee. If you don't know what I am talking about, you better read this web page and all it's links from top to bottom. Then start praying like your life depended on it. Cause it does. - CKH See [youtube=] Here's video footage of Norway's undeground tunnel system, which they are building in secret. A few hardy souls with intestinal fortitude have posted news and videos about this on the web, I laud their courage. Pray for the people of this world. [youtube=] Here is another real alligator for you to gawk at: Now we all know by now that 9-11 was a false flag event carried out by New World Order operatives with the full knowledge and consent of the Bush crime family. Butt did you know that George W. Bush was such a loose cannon in front of TV cameras when he was speaking "unscripted" that he actually mentioned the bombs that had been pre-wired in the twin towers, (that took place the weekend before 9-11 under the pretense of upgrading security systems at the towers) where they had been placed right before 9-11. He actually accidentally admitted the whole thing in front of TV cameras, then just kept right on talking, too stupid to even realize what he had done. This is commonly called a "subconscious tell" in psychiatric circles. It happens when someone needs to tell the truth about something, but they cannot bring themselves to do it, so it kind of squirts out sideways as they appear to be talking about something else entirely.
Step right up and see it here first folks in the main pond of my Alligator Farm. Listen to George speak below, then tell me what you think he just said.


Marshall Masters is a scientist of noteworthy intelligence who runs a series of well documented websites which make a clear case that the arrival of Planet X Nibiru in 2012 poses a clear and present danger to human civilization. That is what all these secret undergound tunnels and cities, and the storing of seeds and all the covert astronomy is all about, just in case you have been idling away on a desert island for several years, and just washed back onto the shores of civilization. Here is Marshall's February 2009 science report on video.

I suggest you gather the family round the hearth to watch this one.
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Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010, American Patriot, Citizen Journalist, author of

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