In a disturbing verdict that does not bode well for internet freedom of speech, several Google executives have actually been convicted in Italy of violating the privacy of an individual who appeared in a video uploaded to Google Video in 2006. Google staff were unaware that the video showed students harassing a mentally challenged individual. Commenters to the video who had viewed it asked for it to be removed, and it was. That should have been the end of the tale of the tasteless video, but instead something else happened that defies common sense and threatens all internet content providers with a deluge of litigation over any and every unsavory item that might be uploaded to any website. Where would it all end? See re-post below.Chase Hunter
Italy’s Google Convictions Set a Dangerous Precedent
Feb 24, 2010 3:06 pm
A few years ago, I got a hateful letter in the mail. Hey, it’s all good — these things happen. But now, I’m going to see if I can get my mailman jailed for delivering it.
Sound ludicrous? It should. And it’s the same principle driving an equally absurd ruling against Google in Italy this week. Three Google employees, in case you haven’t heard, are facing suspended jail sentences following a conviction by a Italian court. Their crime? Allowing an offensive video to be uploaded to the Google Video service. By a third-party user. Whom they didn’t know or have anything to do with. Needless to say, the repercussions of this ruling could be enormous — and they could affect us all.
Google and the Italian Video Case
The Google case dates back to 2006, when a group of Italian students uploaded a video of themselves bullying a mentally challenged schoolmate to the Google Video site. Italy’s Interior Ministry discovered the clip and filed a formal complaint to Google. The clip was then removed.
Google Conviction Questions
Here’s the truth: There’s no way Google could monitor every submission uploaded to its sites to see if anything offensive lurks within. And there’s no way it could watch all the comments on every page to see if people are using the forums to complain about questionable content, either.
If Google is held responsible for this incident, where will the implications end? Will Facebook be responsible for every hate-filled remark left on someone’s profile wall? Will AT&T be responsible for every flesh-filled sexting message sent by an underage teen on its network? Can I have my PCWorld editors jailed anytime someone bashes me in the comments section? (Not that that ever happens, of course.)
The very nature of an open and social Internet depends upon a provider’s ability to host content without fear of being prosecuted for a user’s submission. As Matt Sucherman, Google’s VP and deputy general counsel for Europe, puts it:
“European Union law was drafted specifically to give hosting providers a safe harbor from liability so long as they remove illegal content once they are notified of its existence. The belief, rightly in our opinion, was that a notice and take down regime of this kind would help creativity flourish and support free speech while protecting personal privacy. “If that principle is swept aside and sites like Blogger, YouTube and indeed every social network and any community bulletin board are held responsible for vetting every single piece of content that is uploaded to them — every piece of text, every photo, every file, every video — then the Web as we know it will cease to exist.”Sure, Google may have made some missteps on privacy-related issues in the past — more times than can be counted, according to some critics — but in this case, I’ve gotta contend that the G-gang is in the right. And I’m not alone. Several privacy advocates are already stepping up to speak out in Google’s defense — a position quite contrary to their typical stances in Google privacy stories.
Google is now appealing the Italian court’s verdict. For the sake of the free World Wide Web, let’s hope someone reasonable hears the case.
JR Raphael is a PCWorld contributing editor and the co-founder of eSarcasm. He’s on Facebook: facebook.com/The.JR.Raphael
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- Italian Court Finds Google Employees Guilty Over a Google Video They Had Nothing To Do With [Google] (gizmodo.com)
- Google Will Appeal Execs’ Conviction; Italian Ruling Complicates Upload Culture (paidcontent.org)
- European courts giving Google headaches (blogs.computerworld.com)
- Google execs guilty of violating privacy (network.nationalpost.com)
- Google execs found guilty in Italian court for YouTube video (venturebeat.com)
- Google executives jailed for privacy infringement (v3.co.uk)
- Groups Voice Alarm Over Google Conviction (techdailydose.nationaljournal.com)
- Google executives found guilty of violating privacy of student bullied on video (engadget.com)
- Italy convicts Google execs over uploaded video (money.cnn.com)
- Google Execs Found Guilty of Violating Italian Privacy Laws (newteevee.com)
- Web Threat (e-clecticism.com)
- Three Google Execs Convicted In Italy Over YouTube Privacy Issues (seroundtable.com)
- Serious threat to the web in Italy (googleblog.blogspot.com)
Copyright Chase K. Hunter 2010-3010, American Patriot, Citizen Journalist, author of
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