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Bowing & Bending Over Backwards Does Not Work in Today's Foreign Policy Landscape

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Obama to Iran: “We have Bent Over Backwards” – America to Obama: “Bending Over Backwards” & Bowing Is Part of the Problem!

02.10.2010 By Chase Hunter

Is it  just me, or is anyone else as sick as I am of the foreign policy lite” approach that this new White House takes toward addressing the numerous oppressive and murderous regimes which are run amok in the world? This is what Barack Obama said recently about the Iranian regime:

“We have bent over backwards” to try to initiate a “constructive conversation about how they can align themselves with international norms and rules,” Obama said yesterday of the Iranian government on Feb 9th.

“Bending over backwards?”

“Constructive conversation?”

That’s a huge part of the problem Obama! You need to stop bending over backwards, bowing to Arab and Chinese leaders, assert our position in the world and come out with a fierce condemnation of what is taking place in the streets of Iran.
This is the hard real world of actual foreign policy in a world gone mad, not a White House dinner party.
Bowing, curtseying, writing letters, avoiding the inevitable need to address Iran’s nuclear hubris, and trying to have “constructive conversations” with radical Islamic madmen who kill their own people for wanting free and fair elections WILL NOT WORK.
Why should the American people have to be the ones to tell you this? Your utter lack of preparedness for this job, and your complete lack of a grasp of the magnitude of this foreign policy situation, is really on display here Mr. Obama. Rather than trotting Hillary over to the mideast again, make a statement and take a stand. The American people and people all over the world who want freedom and democracy are depending on you.
Canadian Prime Minister Harper just did what you should have done. He came out with a specific verbal condemnation of Iran’s continued determination to achieve higher levels of uranium enrichment. Why have you not been more vocal, less diffuse on this issue?  We are on planet earth, Mr. Obama, where things get rough.  I do not know where you are in your head right now. Leadership, real leadership, not a college professor’s take on it, is expected and required.
Chase Hunter

Obama Bows to the Mayor of Tampa
Obama Bows to the Arab Sheik
Obama Bows to the Chinese Premier

From Chase Hunter, Citizen Journalist, author of
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